Tuesday, October 14, 2008

More cheer pictures

Here are pictures of our family, Mallory with friend Makenzie and EMC coaches Lara Boles Posey (left, former head cheerleader at Miss. State) and Carrie McElroy. Somehow we were able to get all 3 squads to pose for a group picture. Mallory is in the middle on 3rd row.

This competition was a great experience for the girls. Now they know what it's like to be on the mat with the LOUD music, lights, judges, and hundreds of people watching. The squad Mallory is on had 10 members last year and now have 26. They have about 3 months to polish their routine for the BIG competions. We'll be travelling back to Jackson in January, then Mobile, AL in February and Pensacola, FL in March.